T: 042-35228386-87 M: 0334-6737425 E: info@imperialchemical.com.pk
T: 042-35228386-87 M: 0334-6737425 E: info@imperialchemical.com.pk
At Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd we place a special focus on protecting the environment as well as on health and safety. We underpin this by adhering to the following principles.
Health and Safety
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd is committed to providing a safe environment for our employees and visitors. We ensure that we comply with international health and safety practices and use safe systems of work. Training is provided to all staff on health and safety issues so that everyone is able to work safely and support their colleagues. Audits are carried out regularly to maintain high standards of health and safety and highlight any new issues that arise. This enables us to efficiently update our health and safety policies and procedures.
We have a comprehensive policy regarding our environmental impact which completely complies with International, national and local standards. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd aims to minimise the impact our business has on the local environment. We employ processes which minimise pollution wherever possible and are committed to being socially responsible by preserving natural resources.
Our priorities within our environmental policy include:
Office: 042-35228386
Office: 042-35228387
Mobile: 0334-6737425
Email: info@imperialchemical.com.pk
Imperial Industrial Estate,
Imperial Chemical Industries (Pvt) Ltd
9 KM, Sundar Raiwind Road.
Lahore. Pakistan
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